Movies played in the Winter and Spring of 1964 include: "All Quiet on the Western Front," "The Informer," "Yankee Doodle Dandy," "Citizen Kane," "The Great Ziegfeld," "Mary of Scotland," and "The Red Shoes. This series also included performance but...
"Men, Women and Love"-- Watt and Lovell. A Diversified Entertainment of Comedy and Drama from English Literature and History selected from: William Shakespeare, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Laclos, Alfred Sutro, George Bernard Shaw, Noel Coward,...
Concert Lecture Series; Petrakis, Harry Mark; Reading; Literature; Program
"A Quest for Values"-- Harry Mark Petrakis. Contemporary Literature in a Time of Change. A dramatic performance and searching appraisal of the ways in which aesthetic and social values change and the role the writer playes in this change.