This study gives the projected facts about what Battle Creek will need as a workforce. This information was factored into the building of the campus and the growth of certain departments.
This shows when students were able to sign up for classes according to alphabetical order of last names. It also gives the tuition and fees schedule for that academic year.
Kellogg Community College Debate team; Kellogg Community College Forensics team
This scrapbook was compiled by students from the debate and forensics teams of 1957-1965. All pages were scanned except blank pages. Folded items or booklets were scanned and the pages follow the pag the booklet was attached to. The exceptions to...
This meeting was called to discuss the curriculum a community college might have as well as where the college could be located. The minutes also describe some members as being hesitant about forming a community college.
This is the resolution to rename (or identify) the administration building as the Whitmore Administration building. It was drafted by the Board of Trustees at the time of the dedication.
This is the registration schedule for fall semester of 1958. It is interesting to note that the schedule mentions "Alphabetical listing refers to family name." This note is not found on other schedules.
This is the rededication brochure for the Learning Resource Center shortly after it was remodeled. It gives a small biography of Morris as well as a history of the building.
This is the dedication brochure for the new, and current, campus of Kellogg Community College. It includes a mini history of the college and a lot of photographs of different areas of campus, both inside and outside.
This is the brochure for the open house at the opening of the college. Information regarding the costs of renovating the GAR hall as well as 1956 tuition rates can be found inside.
This is a unique scrapbook chronicling the early history of the Practical Nurse Education Center. This began as its own entity but was absorbed by Kellogg Community College in 1958. It contains class photos, news clippings, specfic class...