This is the registration schedule for fall semester of 1958. It is interesting to note that the schedule mentions "Alphabetical listing refers to family name." This note is not found on other schedules.
This shows when students were able to sign up for classes according to alphabetical order of last names. It also gives the tuition and fees schedule for that academic year.
Movies played in the Winter and Spring of 1964 include: "All Quiet on the Western Front," "The Informer," "Yankee Doodle Dandy," "Citizen Kane," "The Great Ziegfeld," "Mary of Scotland," and "The Red Shoes. This series also included performance but...
1972-73 Schedule of Programs
Florynce Kennedy
Chris Swansen and
the Moog Synthesizer
Sander Vanocur
Hal Shane
Tom Noel as Mark
Twain at Home
Monday, September 18, 1972
Tuesday, October 24, 1972
Tuesday, November 28,1972
Thursday, December 14,...
1971·72 Schedule of Programs
Addiss and Crofut--Wednesday, September 15, 1971
Studs Terkel--Tuesday, October 5,1971
Heywood Hale Broun--Tuesday, November 30,1971
Jose Greco and Nana Lorca--Thursday, February 10, 1972
James Farmer--Tuesday, March...
The 1975-1976 Schedule of Progroms
Eric Sevareid - "Truth in Journalism"--Saturday, October 4, 19-75
Jane Bryant Quinn - "Staying Ahead"--Tuesday, November 18, 1975
Howard Mann - "George Washington - Live"--Tuesday, January 20, 1976
Dr. David...