W. K. Kellogg; Quote; Library; LRC; Reflecting Pools
Quote by W. K. Kellogg located at the West end of the reflecting pools on the Kellogg Community College main campus. During a recent renovation of the student center, this quote was moved into the Kellogg Room, adjacent to the Bruin Cafe.
Partial cast of the Fall 2003 production of Jane Eyre. Cast present in photo from left to right: William Waters; Jillian Weimer; Heather Marsh-Prelesnik; Kat Szalek; Christina Burke; Brandi Engel; Laina Engel.
Students; Play; Productions; The Real Inspector Hound; Theatre
Partial Cast of the Fall 1998 production of The Real Inspector Hound. Full cast: Todd Avani; Roy Brown; Elizabeth Walker; Gunnar Berger; Kirsten Russell; Staci Scherry; Jon Koteles; Jim Beckmeyer; Bill Roose; and the Guest des jour as the Dead Body.